First Arabesque
Cecchetti - The body is upright and the shoulders are square. The supporting leg (the one farthest from the audience) is straight, while the other leg is extended towards the back at a right angle to the supporting leg. The arm on the side of the supporting leg is placed forward in front of the middle of the eyes, and the other is extended back, slightly lowered, so the arms are in a line. The palms are turned down, but the forward palm is turned slightly outward.
Vaganova - The body is inclined forward with a definite arched back. The supporting leg (the one farthest from the audience) is straight, while the other is extended towards the back at a right or greater angle. The arm on the side of the supporting leg is extended forward, and the other is placed to the side of the body, slightly behind second position.
Second Arabesque
Cecchetti - The body and position of the legs are the same as first arabesque, however the arms are reversed. The head is facing towards the audience and slightly inclined.
Vaganova - The body and position of the legs are the same as first arabesque, however the arms are reversed and the arm on the side of the supporting leg is taken back so it can be seen from behind the body. The head is facing the audience.
Third Arabesque
Cecchetti - The body and position of the legs are the same, but both arms are extended to the front of the body. The fingertips of the arm on the side of the supporting leg are extended in front of the eyes, while the other is in a line with the shoulder.
Vaganova - The arabesque is diagonally towards the audience, with the supporting leg nearest the audience and the other croise derriere at right angles to the supporting leg. The body is inclined and the arm opposite of the supporting leg is extended forward, level with the shoulder, while the other is extended to the side. The head is facing the forward arm.
Fourth Arabesque
Cecchetti - The supporting leg is closest to the audience and is in demi-plie. The arms and head are the same as first arabesque with the arm on the opposite side of the supporting leg being forward.
Vaganova - The legs and body are the same as third arabesque, but the arms are reversed and at shoulder level. The body, however, is turned away from the audience with a prominent arch in the back. The head faces the audience.
Fifth Arabesque
Cecchetti - The arms and head are the same as third arabesque, with the arm furthest from the audience being higher. The supporting leg is closest to the audience and in demi-plie.
Arabesque Ouverte
French - The body leans forward on a straight supporting leg (the leg furthest from the audience), while the other leg is extended back at a right angle to the supporting leg. The arm on the side of the supporting leg is extended front, while the other is extended far to the back and parallel to the raised leg.
Arabesque Croisee
French - The position is the same as arabesque ouverte, but the supporting leg is closest to the audience. The arm on the side of the supporting leg is held forward.
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